Monday, March 14, 2011

Cricut Dust Cover

YEAH I finished the 1st year album. it only took me 3 weeks of putting it together (not sure how long to plan it) It is done and time to move onto new projects. It will be another week or two before I post pics of the final album. I want my cousin to have it in his and his wife's hands first since it is for them.
Onto so GREAT News!! I NOW OWN A GYPSY!!! My husband and I both decided we are done playing softball so he sold our bats (well his bats but one was for my use) and with some of the money from them I bought my gypsy. I've been playing with it for the last few days and I'm having a blast with it. There are still a few things I'll still be using my DS for (like when I need to design using a borrowed cartridge, which they really need to have an update that allows to you to use a borrowed one with the gypsy)
My next project will be working on a set of cards for a friends birthday. I thought her birthday was in April, but it is actually next week! YIKES. I have the cards layed out on the gypsy and ready to cut them tomorrow and essemble the cards this week (have i mentioned i LOVE my gypsy?). Then it will be onto making a mosaic layout or two or three. I want to use them for wall decor instead of for a scrapbook.
Here is something I created tonight for my scraproom. If you know me, you know I adore giraffes. So this fits in my room extremely well.

My wonderful hasbund FINALLY hung my cabinet the other week so I could start filling it with all my embellishments. Here it is with some of my giraffes. The really big one is one that I sewed myself. It was a fleece panel.

Hope you all have a great week and HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY alittle early. check back later this week for some fun cards! And maybe, just maybe a few blog challenges...if I get the cards done!

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